Saturday, November 25, 2023

Podman pitfalls

Fedora docs are your friend


SELinux might be on

If you are having permission denied errors watch out for SELinux. Check your podman VM and verify /etc/selinux/config . You can consider switching to permissive mode + reboot

Certificate errors


Some company like to or must inspect their users traffic. Generally this is done by having a transparent proxy which terminates SSL/TLS and uses a self-signed certificate that is owned by the company and can be considered trusted. The default podman VM won´t trust this certificate. You can try the following:

COPY the PEM file to /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ and then update the trust:
update-ca-trust force-enable && update-ca-trust extract

Time drift

If the podman VM has time drift this can also break SSL/TLS certificate verification. Just update the time of your VM.

Allow docker in podman

sudo rpm-ostree install podman-docker

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